Modern European history shows that the place of the Jewish people in the community of nations has been challenged and needs to be defended. Israel is a democratic state with an independent legal system and a free press. The country has both freedom of speech and a great freedom of religion, which is completely unique in the entire Middle East. Israel is today in a vulnerable situation, with a series of dictatorships and terrorist organizations in the immediate area, where several of them want to wipe out the state of Israel.

Even in world politics, Israel has a vulnerable position. The UN and other international bodies have time and again given in to dictatorships and totalitarian regimes that have made common cause in international forums to vote through anti-human rights, anti-Semitic and anti-Israel proposals.

By providing a historical background, overview, and balance, as well as fighting anti-Semitism and guaranteeing the right of the land of Israel and the Jewish people to exist, we are simultaneously standing up for democracy, human rights and human dignity, both in the Middle East and in the rest of the world.

By supporting Israel, Christians defend their spiritual heritage. The Bible describes how God made a covenant with Israel to bless the whole world. “Salvation comes from the Jews”, Jesus said. We as Christians have been grafted into the true olive tree through our faith. Replacement theology – the idea that Christians have replaced the Jewish people in God’s dealings in history, is both wrong and has weakened the church, as well as clouded and politicized the theology of the church. Good and true relations with the Jewish people and the land of Israel will strengthen both the world-wide Christian communion and society at large.